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Etiam pulvinar consectetur dolor sed malesuada. Ut convallis euismod dolor nec pretium. Nunc ut tristique massa.

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Meal Replacement Diet Drinks and Bars

Herbalife have now launched Formula 1 as a meal replacment bar. Designed for ultimate portability, the new Herbalife Formula 1 Healthy Meal Bar has been scientifically formulated to have all the benefits of the Formula 1 shake, and is packaged for people on the move. So Herbalife clients will have a shake for breakfast and bar for lunch. […]

Wellness Club Walton on Thames and Weybridge

The ‘Community Weight Loss Challenge’ is a 12 week course designed to give you the necessary knowledge and support you need to achieve safe and long term weight loss. Unlike traditional ‘Slimming Clubs’ they provide much more than a ‘pay-weigh-and go’ weight loss class. […]